Monday, December 7, 2009

It's about time...

I posted some recent pictures.:) Here are a collection of pictures over the last month or so. I wish that I had better ones of Eliana and her cousins, but it is incredibly difficult to get 6 kids under aged 5 and under to all stay still at the same time for a picture... one day, right?!:) Enjoy the pics!


The Queen said...

Oh those are great! I love the pictures of you running- you look fantastic!!!
The pictures of the kids are awesome. Kai is getting so big! And sitting up too! Eliana is adorable as always. Did she have a blast with her cousins? It sure looks that way. Thanks for the post. I've been faithfully checking. I'm not as good at keeping up with facebook. :(

Emily Schueler said...

Yeah, new photos and boy has Kai changed! His face is so plump and round. I love it!

Glad to see a gorgeous runnin' babe made the pics too. You look amazing, especially as you are crossing that finish line. Reminds me of one of my running songs that may seem cheesy but for those that just had a baby and just finished a 1/2 marathon, it sure means a lot. That song is for you too "You're Unbelievable"!!!

Anonymous said...

Kai is so happy looking! You can tell he is really loved:) I need to join the OCF runner group some day because you and Emily look FAB!!! I look FLAB! hahaha. When will I ever have the time? You all took great family pictures!