Friday, February 20, 2009

Update on pregnancy question...

I saw my doctor today and talked more about the low-lying placenta. He wasn't overly concerned, but just said that they would watch it. The follow-up ultrasound will help. He said that it was definitely not caused my running, and that more than likely it was because my uterus was small to begin with so there is just not room for the placenta to move yet. I remember with Eliana, that they said that my uterus was very small and low, so that makes sense. I was relieved, especially about the running part. I was able to schedule my c/s for June 19 with that particular doctor today as well, so that is good. I am taking the wimpy way out, I know, but waiting 13 days, and then being induced and having it end in a c/s after a day and a half of labor... I just want to be a wimp!! Besides, this way our families that are coming in can plan their travel better. With Eliana my father-in-law missed her birth by one day. He had to fly back to CA so didn't get to meet her for another month.
My Mom and Ron are coming for the weekend today along with my oldest niece Megan. I will try and post some pics of the visit next week. That way those that are begging me for a prego pic will finally get one.:)
Thanks for all your encouragement, comments, and suggestions about the pregnancy question. I will keep you posted. My ultrasound is March 9. I am excited about seeing U2 again, and having it confirmed again that he is indeed a HE!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Prince Gum?!?!

Jon celebrated his birthday this past week, and when I asked Eliana what she wanted to get for her Daddy for his birthday, she had one thing in mind... "Prince Gum." I don't know about you, but I had never heard of any such thing before, so off we went to the store to try and figure out what "Prince Gum was." She explained to me that since Daddy was a Prince, he needed his own gum. Okay, makes sense, but what exactly is "Prince Gum"? She was very certain that it had to be blue gum and so we headed to the gum aisle. This is the "Prince Gum" that she chose for her Daddy. She was very excited to give it to him, and probably even more excited for the idea that Daddy might share some "Prince Gum" with his little princess.:)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Pregnancy question...

When I went in for my ultrasound, the tech told me that my placenta was marginally low-lying and she said that the Dr. would be following that carefully. I wasn't that worried about it, because I had heard that it was common and that it usually moves as the pregancy progresses. I just got a call today from the Dr's. telling me that I have another ultrasound scheduled for the beginning of March to check on the placenta. Has anyone experienced this in pregnancy? For my running friends, can my running cause that? I have my regular appointment in 2 weeks, so I will ask my Dr. more about it then, but I just wanted to see if you gals can give me any info. or reassurance about it. I didn't have this with Eliana, but did read that a previous c/s can cause the placenta to be low-lying. Any words would be appreciated!:)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

And Baby U2 is...

Yes! I know! We can hardly believe it either... we are having a BOY!!! We didn't have to wait very long to find out as this little one is not shy. He was pretty chill for the whole ultrasound, just relaxing on his side with his little hands up by his face, but he was active enough at the start to let us know his presence. I really think that I am still in shock! I am having a BOY!! Many of you know how much of a struggle this wait has been for me, and I have truly coveted your prayers. The really cool thing is that yesterday God just filled me with a total peace about this baby, whether boy or girl! It was amazing and totally a God thing. But then today, He gave me the desire of my heart. Praise His name! I guess that now Jon and I have to actually talk about boys names.:) We had a girls name all picked out.:)