Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Kai is 8 months old!!

This is a little late, but our baby boy is now 8 months old! How did we get to 8 months already? He continues to be such a source of joy to us. He has two teeth and is cutting more as I write this. He is army crawling like crazy and as of late, has even added in some real crawling. He waved bye-bye the other night completely on his own. I hadn't even begun to work on that with him. I am trying to teach him a few basic signs: please, thank-you, more, all-done. When I do those with him, he just laughs at me, but yet waves bye-bye on his own.:) He has started to pull himself up on us and try to stand, so who knows if he will end up crawling first or just go right to walking. He says Dada, Mama, and Nana now. It is really cute because the "Nana" could sound a lot like Eliana, which of course, Big Sister loves! My favorite thing is watching he and Eliana together. She is so good with him, and he is completely enamored with her. I love when they make each other giggle. What a beautiful sound! Of course it is also so much fun watching Jon see Kai at this age and all of the changes that he missed our first time around. God is good!!

1 comment:

The Queen said...

Um, I think Maka is as big as Kai...

Kai is SO adorable! How fun to watch him crawl around. I can't wait for Simone to get to that stage. Life is just so full of new things everyday. And how sweet about him saying 'nana' for Eliana. You have a beautiful and precious family. I love the pictures, but it makes me sad I'm not there!