Monday, November 17, 2008

Eliana's Royal Tea Party

This past Saturday we celebrated Eliana's 3rd birthday with family and friends. Eliana loves the movie Gigi, God's Little Princess and acts out the tea party that Gigi has with her friend Frances at home all the time. She also loves princesses, so we thought we would combine the two for her party. We threw her a princess tea party. It was really fun to plan and decorate and it all came together so nicely. Eliana had a few of her little friends from church over. They came dressed as princesses. You will see in the pictures one little girl not dressed up. She told us that she was dressed up as Cinderella in her rags!:) There were tea sandwiches, tea(pink lemonade), and cupcakes to eat. My Mom was here and did an awesome job on the cupcakes!! I got the crazy idea to make princess castles, like you would a gingerbread house, even though it had nothing to do with a tea party. We had a blast doing that, and the girls really enjoyed it. I am not sure if it was the candy that they got to eat, or the castles, but they seemed really happy.:) One of my favorite memories from the party is when "Cinderella in rags" told all the little girls that she would read them Eliana's new Gigi book that she had received. It was so cute to see all 4 girls snuggled up on the couch together, listening to a 1st grader do an amazing job reading the story to them.:) We had a great day! Wish you had been here to share it with us too!!


The Queen said...

OH my goodness. Can you come up here and plan out my girls' birthdays???? That is amazing!!! And you are so brave with those adorable gingerbread castles. I won't even make cookies with my kids! Wow. Your little Princess just looks SO adorable and SO big! Wow!

Jon's Supercutie said...

It was really quite easy. I cheated and used pop tarts which were easier to work with than graham crackers, which is what I have usually used. We got really messy... but it was fun!:) Thanks for the slideshow info! My technically challenged self finally figured it out!!!

Emily Schueler said...

Suzanna, see, this is why god blessed you with a precious little girl. You are a wonderful mommy and not just because of an adorable bday party.....but, gosh, way to go. You may need to patent all your ideas before I steal them for future use! I'm not even a foo-foo girl and I wish I had been there!!!

As a side note, I simply can't believe Eliana is 3. For some reason, even though my children get older, other people's kids that are far away, shouldn't. No more little girl, she is a little lady.

Jon's Supercutie said...

I will gladly share the ideas for anyone who wants them! Some of them I got off the internet, and others I just thought of so I really can't take any credit. It was just really fun! I am so thrilled that Eliana is growing up feeling every bit the princess, as I didn't in the least when I was growing up. It is a blessing that God has given us a little girl!!:)

erin w. said...

I'm so impressed! You covered every detail so perfectly, even have the cute little sandwiches. Did you cut those all out? Eliana is SOO adorable, and her hair, it is so long! I love the little braids you put her in.

shoemama said...

Suzanna, thanks so much for sending me your blog! I just saw your mom today at the gym and she was telling me about the party, I think I'm going to steal your idea and do a princess party for Esther's 4th in April.
Also, I was reading all your other blogs and just saw "fireproof" this past weekend - I totally agree with you about that movie!
miss you