Saturday, November 1, 2008

A little China doll

Last night was the Fall Festival at our church. Jon and I are not really all that into Halloween or dressing up, but when I saw this adorable outfit that Eliana's California Grandpa had brought her from China, the wheels in my head started turning. I got really excited to put the whole look together, and then wished I had thought of it sooner to have more accessories to really play it up. Eliana was so excited to be dressing up as a "Chinese girl" as she called it. She wanted to know if I was going to dress up as a Chinese girl too, even though I wasn't Chinese.:) I told her I wasn't because I didn't have an outfit. She received many compliments and definitely stood out in her one of a kind costume. It was a fun night, and we didn't even end up with that much candy, much to my relief. I was jokingly telling people that I was going to put a sign on Eliana that said, "No candy please." Half way through the night she said to me, "Mommy, you forgot to put a sign on me.":) Was she gloating or just being observant?!:)


The Queen said...

Awwwwwww! What a great costume! :) She looks ADORABLE! I love how you did her hair and everything. Glad you had fun. Sabrina didn't get much candy this year either. I am very happy. I should be able to eat most of it. It's a tough job, but it's all I can do to keep my kids healthy. :) ;)

Emily Schueler said...

How adorable. She looks like she enjoyed it as much as I'm sure mommy enjoyed doing her up!