Sunday, September 13, 2009

Huntington Beach and a cow...

Eliana had been so excited to go to the beach so that her Daddy could teach her how to surf. The waves were a bit big, about 6-7 ft. faces, so she didn't actually venture into the water. Daddy got her on the boogie board as her surfboard and she "surfed" the water as it washed in and out of the shore. She had a blast and so did Daddy helping her. Kai was all decked out for his first trip to the beach, compliments of the adorable board shorts that G-ma and G-pa U found for him. He just chilled out under his little tent listening to the ocean. We know that he will love it when he is bigger though, after all, his name does mean ocean.:)
Funny store about the cow... our local Chick Fil'A was running a contest this summer that we decided to enter. You got a little stuffed CFA cow and then were supposed to take him on vacation with you and photograph him in interesting places. We decided that the cow needed to go to the beach and try his hoof at surfing. We strapped him on the boogie board and then snapped some pictures. We sent them in and actually won the runners up prize! We couldn't believe it!:) We received coupons for like $30 worth of free food... it is mostly for their original chicken sandwich meal, which isn't the one we normally get... but hey, it is free, and we won it, so we will take it!:) After winning the Skype contest when Jon was deployed and now this one, we have decided that we need to enter EVERY contest that has the grand prize of a Hawaii trip. It seems were destined to win at least one!:)

1 comment:

The Queen said...

Haha. I love the cow picture! What a great idea to take them with Eliana and Kai too. Make sure to put those in your scrapbook! What a memory! Your kids look at home on the beach...might have to move back to Hawaii someday...