Thursday, January 8, 2009

So it's nap/rest time at our house...

and all is not quiet. My darling 3 year old is belting out Chritmas carols from her room... where she is supposed to be resting quietly. She will string together several different ones, because she cannot remember all of the words. We had the discussion before she went down about using her inside voice all the time, even at rest time. I cannot remind her right now, because that will encourage her to have a running conversation with me from up in her room. Even now she is calling to be to come and get her because she took a good nap. What do I have to do to get this child to actually TAKE her nap? Any suggestions?

(Sorry this post is not pictures from our trip. I am still working on that. We didn't use our camera very much as Grandma and Grandpa were busy snapping shots, I have to get some of those pictures first.)


shoemama said...

I've just been catching up on your blog, sounds like you had a wonderful trip to CA. Can't wait to hear how your ultrasound goes! It does seem to take forever for that date to come around.
I wanted to make a comment about the nap thing. It seems like Esther has gone through a lot of different stages with the naps. For awhile, she would not sleep and it would drive me nuts, now she takes really good naps every day. So, when she wouldn't take naps, I just told her she had to be quiet and lay in her bed, she didn't have to sleep. Every day was different of course, but I can relate to the singing thing! All that to say, don't be discouraged, she's probably just going through a phase.
Miss you!

The Queen said...

Heehee...frustrating for you, cute for us! :) Keep the stories coming!

Emily Schueler said...

My recommendation....take out the video camera and secretly video the precious moment of her belting the carols out. You will giggle when she is 30 and calls you because her daughter won't nap!

Jon's Supercutie said...

Thank you for those encouraging words!! It gives me great hope!
What a great idea! I am going to have to tell Jon that one when he comes home!
Today the house is wonderfully quiet! The little cherubim has fallen asleep!! Woohoo!!!