Friday, February 20, 2009

Update on pregnancy question...

I saw my doctor today and talked more about the low-lying placenta. He wasn't overly concerned, but just said that they would watch it. The follow-up ultrasound will help. He said that it was definitely not caused my running, and that more than likely it was because my uterus was small to begin with so there is just not room for the placenta to move yet. I remember with Eliana, that they said that my uterus was very small and low, so that makes sense. I was relieved, especially about the running part. I was able to schedule my c/s for June 19 with that particular doctor today as well, so that is good. I am taking the wimpy way out, I know, but waiting 13 days, and then being induced and having it end in a c/s after a day and a half of labor... I just want to be a wimp!! Besides, this way our families that are coming in can plan their travel better. With Eliana my father-in-law missed her birth by one day. He had to fly back to CA so didn't get to meet her for another month.
My Mom and Ron are coming for the weekend today along with my oldest niece Megan. I will try and post some pics of the visit next week. That way those that are begging me for a prego pic will finally get one.:)
Thanks for all your encouragement, comments, and suggestions about the pregnancy question. I will keep you posted. My ultrasound is March 9. I am excited about seeing U2 again, and having it confirmed again that he is indeed a HE!!


The Queen said...

Haha. I sense a lingering trace of nervousness that U2 could not be a boy. The whole time after I found out Sarah was a girl I was nervous that the tech and Dr. could have been wrong. Of course it didn't stop me from making her purple bed set, and painting the nursery purple. :)

shoemama said...

You go girl - you deserve to "wimp" out on this one after what you went through with Eliana. It's not really wimping out though. I always said If I had a csection, I would do the rest the same way. I don't really understand what the draw is to not having a csection if you can have one! I am so excited for you - June is coming right up! Congrats on the boy too!

Anonymous said...

You know, I actually scheduled a c-section with Aaron so that Jay wouldn't miss the delivery, but when I thought about having to drive Amanda to school the following week and carrying Evie up and down the stairs, I thought I better go for the fastest recovery route possible. Only you know what is best for you and your family so if a c-section is the way to go, don't worry about it at all. This is your boy! Do what you can to make the entire experience the best ever! You deserve it!